What is the Magnetic Moms™ Program?

My Online Workshops Teach Moms How To:

Build Back the Bond

Rediscover the joy in your relationship with your teen daughter. Learn how to turn challenging moments into opportunities for genuine connection and understanding.

Tackle Teen Turbulence

Get a personalized toolkit of practical tips to confidently navigate through your teen daughter’s irritability. Say goodbye to unnecessary conflicts and hello to a more harmonious and positive connection.

Make Change Stick

Say goodbye to the same old parenting playbook. Embrace a fresh approach that goes beyond the surface, creating lasting changes in your relationship. This program is your go-to guide for truly understanding and connecting with your teenage daughter.

Mother of Teen Daughter Workshops Restore Relationship

Let me tell you the truth, Mom.
You're surrounded by apathy
(and lies...)

You’re losing your teenage daughter… day by day.
But no one seems to notice.
 “Just wait it out.”  “It’ll get better.”  “She’ll grow out of it.”
But meanwhile… you’re losing her attention AND your influence.

While social media, school, friends (and even enemies) are stepping into YOUR role.

Don't listen to them... there IS AN ANSWER!

What is the cost of doing nothing?

Most moms will ignore this problem.  Most moms will do nothing.  Some will get lucky, and things will work out OK.  Their daughters will make it to adulthood and beyond with nothing more than a few minor scrapes, bruises and band-aids.  But some aren’t so lucky.  We all know the mothers and daughters with the frosty, stiff relationships, or worse yet… the ones who have no relationship at all.  That could have been avoided.  You CAN avoid this, I can show you how.

And I hope you want to, at all costs, stay in her life as a trusted advisor, resource, and supporter.


What can we accomplish

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